TikTok Creator

Kevin is close with his grandchildren and often gets together with them to hang out and play. During the pandemic when they weren’t able to see each other, Kevin worried that his grandkids would forget about him.

So, he started to record videos for them, short “lessons from Grandpa” – how to do simple life things in silly ways – which he would text to them.

Kevin’s youngest daughter, Lauren, started taking these videos, improving them, and uploading them to TikTok, unbeknownst to Kevin, under the name of Weird Grandpa. After subscribers reached several thousand, Lauren told him. Then they kept on going, past 32,000 subscribers, until the pandemic ended and Kevin moved on to other projects. He has since resumed posting videos to try to leverage TikTok to market his music.

As an example, this is Kevin’s most popular video on TikTok.