
In his teenage youth as a Filter Queen salesman in rural Indiana, Kevin would regularly drive long cornfield-covered distances to the address on an index card to try – and inevitably fail – to sell a $500 vacuum cleaner to a young wife in a trailer park struggling with a living roomful of kids in diapers. To pass the time on these drives, Kevin, while not a musician in any sense, would write songs in his head. Thus, he honed a love for songwriting and over the years managed to record over a hundred of his songs with various singers and musicians.

The day after Thanksgiving in 2016, Kevin came across a singer and guitar player busking on the Venice Beach boardwalk in L.A, her name was Sydney Ward, performing as Sunny War, and her amazing voice and guitar work stopped Kevin in his tracks. He asked if she did session work (i.e., record other people’s songs professionally). Eventually she agreed, and over the next 5-1/2 months, inspired by the opportunity to work with such a musical genius, Kevin wrote, orchestrated, produced, and recorded 55 songs with Sydney.

Here’s a link to the first of their albums to be posted, called I’m Getting Better.

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